Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 2 - The rest of the story...

So Day 2 had a much better start, other than the garage being very chilly.

Lesson learned, plastic clips break in the cold.  This is going to cause us extra work down the road.

Unfortunately, I had a critical issue that came up at work early afternoon, (critical issue = people would scream, no one would die). I started working and Stan headed back out to the garage.

He worked away... I worked away in my office at the opposite end of the house...  then all of a sudden I hear...


I head off down the stairs, about halfway to the garage I realize that I left my phone on my desk upstairs and figured I would finally see if the panic button on our security system worked.  I was just waiting until I got down to the garage to see the damage. (It sounded like the car had done a belly flop on the garage floor).

I bolt through the garage door to see Stan if full fire extinguisher mode; trash can, work bench, floor...

He looks up at me with a great big smile "I still have my eye brows..."

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