Friday, February 10, 2012

So, who lived in our car before we bought it?

Ok, trying out a new blogging tool on my iPad, let's see how this goes...

So the downside of a Cayman/Boxster is getting to the engine.  This one was was very dusty when we pulled the cover off to dyno it we found the dust...

And we also noted that some little critter explored in around the engine, so many little tracks.  So far it doesn't look like they got into anything, but we will find out this weekend as we start removing some of the stock parts.
And a closer look.


  1. Love the look of the blog but is there any way for the iPad software to make the pictures links to full-sized images?


  2. JP, I don't think so since at least for my posts I embed the image in the post and size it there. It is a WYSIWYG interface. The images are not residing on another server that I am linking to. It save steps because take pictures with the iPhone, and by the time I get back into the house they are on my iPad already and I just create another post.
